Wednesday, March 27, 2019

John Podesta's new mission - dismantle the First Amendment

Sleezy pizzagate star, John Podesta crawled out from under a rock to attack the Mueller Report findings on this CBS News interview.  His feathers are ruffled because the whole "blame-Russia" thing was probably his idea in the first place as he is still doing PR for his client, Hillary Clinton.

CBS points out he is head of this group, Center for American Progress (a re-elect Hillary sleeper cell).  So we took a look at their website.
On the front page it shows their big concern is these pesky, dangerous RIGHT WINGERS.

They must be stamped out and they keep on using this dangerous FREE SPEECH thing to get their point across.
America must wake up and get rid of this First Amendment ASAP, he says.

From their article Confronting the Domestic Right-Wing Terrorist Threat:

4. Call out rhetoric that radicalizes

Political radicalization that leads to violence does not happen in a vacuum. Overheated rhetoric, promotion of conspiracy theories, and demonization of minorities can and has encouraged violence. The Tree of Life gunman Robert Bowers, for instance, regularly trafficked in antisemitic conspiracy theories on extremist websites. In his last post before the attack, he accused a Jewish-run refugee charity of bringing “invaders in [to the United States] that kill our people.” This echoed the rhetoric of the great replacement theory of the right-wing, anti-Semitic identitarian movement, which claims that a secret conspiracy aims to replace white Europeans with alien others as part of a plot to destroy Christian, European culture.”18 The First Amendment provides broad protections for the freedom of speech, but that does not mean that inflammatory, violent, or hateful speech does not deserve scrutiny. Congressional hearings on the dangers of far-right extremism should examine what role political rhetoric has played in its rise.

5. Remove hate content from private platforms

This year has seen a long overdue focus on reducing online radicalization. Social media companies have finally begun to respond to public pressure [sic]  to remove content that incites violence. In addition, payment, hosting, and other platforms have declined to serve extremist clients. The social media activism organization Sleeping Giants, for example, tried to convince advertisers to blacklist far-right extremist websites as well as to pressure YouTube to remove advertising from racist content, preventing the far-right groups from earning revenue from their propaganda. These efforts can go a long way toward breaking the cycle of online radicalization and are worth exploring further. There may also be avenues for collaboration between the government and the private sector in order to create a safer online space while respecting free speech rights.

6. Ensure that law enforcement has the tools it needs to combat domestic terrorists

When a new threat emerges, it is only sensible to review the existing tools that law enforcement can use to make sure that they remain relevant and useful. After the Oklahoma City bombing, for example, the FBI focused effectively on the threat from the far-right to head off future attacks, suggesting that, at the time, its tools and authorities were sufficient to handle the problem. After 9/11, the United States developed a broad set of counterterrorism tools. Some of these tools may be relevant in the domestic context, but many were aimed at a different type of campaign in ungoverned spaces. There may well be existing tools, techniques, and authorities that could be helpful in the fight against far-right violent extremism while respecting civil rights. Collaboration across agencies that are focused on domestic and foreign threats may provide useful insights in tracing financial, operational, and ideological cross-border links.

This piece of slime is using the Anti-Defamation League for its sources on right-wingism.

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