Friday, May 28, 2021

EXPOSED: Facebook's 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign

 The Daily Mail [UK] - 

'It's highly immoral to censor users with vaccine concerns': Facebook whistleblower reveals himself and says he has been suspended by the tech giant after leaking internal documents exposing its 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign

  • Morgan Kahmann appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight after he leaked internal documents exposing the tech giant's 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign
  • He initially come forward anonymously to Project Veritas with documents allegedly showing Facebook was testing a 'beta' version of the algorithm
  • Kahmann, who said he has since been suspended from the company, told Carlson that Facebook's alleged actions went against his 'moral compass' 
  • 'They're afraid of what people might conclude if they see that other people are having negative side effects,' he said